Recommended started points from "Cool Antarctica" forum 16 April |
The state of the world
+ The Climate Change Debate Is Over
+ Stern Report - The scientific evidence is now overwhelming: climate change is a serious global threat, and it demands an urgent global response. Key points are summarised on the Guardian website.
+ - "Climate science from climate scientists"
+ - inter-related issues discussed range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics, the environment, and more.
+ State of the Future - An extraordinary overview of the emerging future, including Future Ethical Issues and Values, Global Challenges, Sustainable Development and Quality of Life issues
+ State of the Environment - From the Ministry for the Environment New Zealand [nz]
+ The issues - From the Ministry for the Environment New Zealand [nz]
+ Caluculate Your Ecological Footprint - From the Ministry for the Environment New Zealand [nz]
+ Global Environmental Change - Fact sheet from the World Health Organization - United Nations specialized agency for health
+ The Carbon Neutral Myth - Fact sheet from the World Health Organization - United Nations specialized agency for health
+ Ecosystems and Health - Fact sheet from the World Health Organization - United Nations specialized agency for health
+ Atmospheric - Fact sheet from the World Health Organization - United Nations specialized agency for health
+ Climate Change - Fact sheet from the World Health Organization - United Nations specialized agency for health
+ New Zealand Climate Change office [nz]
+ Environmental reports - The International Corporate Environmental Reporting Site
+ They Rule - Provides a glimpse of some of the relationships of the US ruling class, and is a starting point for research about these powerful individuals and corporations.
Become part of the solution:
In the Community and around your home
+ Worldchanging User guide to the 21st century
+ top 50 things you can do today
+ We are what we do
+ resources to assist us making positive behaviour changes [nz]
+ Eat less meat Our farm animals generate more greenhouse gas than all forms of human transport. [nz]
+ - Services and products from people who care about the planet [nz]
+ Sustainable Households [nz]
+ Waste Reduction [nz]
+ Reduce Rubbish [nz]
+ EECA - Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority [nz]
+ Fuel Saver [nz]
+ The Greens Peak oil Toolkit [nz]
+ Sustainable Organisations [nz]
+ Organics [nz]
+ Carbon Caluclator [nz]
+ Changethis - Manifestos for a new world order
+ Offset your Carbon emissions as an interim 'stop-gap' measure, but be aware that carbon offsetting is not a solution. [nz]
+ 100 Mile Diet - tools to help you eat locally.
+ EnergyStar Loans - Eco Mortage Broking services
+ People dealing with Pollution [nz]
+ People dealing with Waste [nz]
+ Environmental Education[nz]
+ Residential Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Calculator [nz]
+ Environmental Footprint Calulators
+ Commercial Waste solutions [nz]
+ Become a Changemaker [nz]
Sustainable Procurement
+ Computer Report Card (340 KB PDF) Annual report from the Computer TakeBack Campaign which documents whether manufacturers are including environmental design concepts into their products and taking responsibility for the entire life cycle of their products.
+ EcoCover mulch and fertilizer enriched mulch mats [nz] are a 'world first' in providing a cost-effective substitute for plastic and other mulch systems used in the horticultural, agricultural and land management industries.
+ Hybrid Cars - an independent online reference about fuel efficient vehicle technology.
+ Vodafone, together with Recycle NZ, is making it easy for people to return their mobiles and accessories for reuse or recycling through a new Mobile Recycling programme. Contact Vodafone at
+ Remarkit professionally manage the commissioning, decommissioning and remarketing of Information Technology IT equipment.
In Business:
+ World Changing
+ Sustainable Business Network [nz]
+ Greenfleet [nz]
+ New Zealand Council for Sustainable Development [nz] - Providing business leadership as a catalyst for change toward sustainable development, and promoting eco-efficiency, innovation and responsible entrepreneurship.
+ Green Business News
+ Green Biz - Information resource on how to align environmental responsibility with business success.
+ Idealog [nz] the magazine and website of creative business, ideas and innovation.
+ GreenOptions - online hub for all things Green
+ Forum for the future - Leading sustainable development charity in the UK.
+ The Natural Step [nz] - Helping companies, non-profit organisations, individuals and communities lead the transition to an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable future.
+ Emprove [nz] - An Energy Management Programme which gives an organisation the knowledge and the tools to actively manage their energy use and to shave significant dollars off their operating costs.
+ Waste Not [nz] - A specialist professional consultancy determined to lead the way in providing solutions to the growing waste problem.
+ Govt 3 - Under the motto ‘walking the talk’, the Ministry for the Environment runs the Govt3 programme that helps central government agencies become more sustainable.
+ CSR Best Practice Directory - The leading source of corporate responsibility and sustainability, press releases, reports and news.
+ Global reporting Initiative - Developing and disseminating globally applicable Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.
+ AccountAbility - British Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability
+ Sustainable Business - Growing sustainable businesses who offer products and services that fulfill society's needs while contributing to the well-being of all earth's inhabitants.
+ Environmental Footprint Calulators
+ Offset your Carbon emissions
+ SIGnal - MFE's Sustainability Newsletter Growing sustainable businesses who offer products and services that fulfill society's needs while contributing to the well-being of all earth's inhabitants.
+ 3R Commercial Waste solutions Specialist local advice on product stewardship, resource recovery systems, waste management and recycling & e-waste recycling solutions.
Ethical and Sustainable Investment:
+ Ethical and Sustainable Investment [nz] - New Zealand based research and advisory services on ethical and sustainable investment and business.
+ The Dow Jones Sustainability Index - Tracking the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide.
+ FTSE4GOOD - Measuring the performance of companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards, and facilitating investment in those companies.
Academic Research and Policy Development
+ New Zealand Energy Revolution A report by Greenpeace examining how New Zealand can restructure its energy system to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avoid the worst effects of climate change.
+ - Environmental Research Foundation - News and resources for environmental justice.
+ World Resources Institute - Environmental think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to protect the earth and improve people's lives.
+ WorldWatch - Interdisciplinary global research, providing a leading source of information on the interactions among key environmental, social, and economic trends.
+ WWF [nz] - Policy work, campaigning, on-the-ground action and education and capacity building to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
Online Activism and Social Innovators
+ We Are What We Do - a new movement inspiring people to use their everyday actions to make a change
+ - streams free video clips of leading experts, thinkers and activists in environmental and social sustainability.
+ ChangeThis - challenging the way ideas are created and spread.
+ Changemakers [nz] inspiring and supporting a greater citizen engagement on social, economic and environmental issues.
+ Change Agency developing capabilities for effective community and activist groups.
+ New American Dream - Conscious Consumer website.
+ Adbusters - Vancouver based anti-consumerist magazine
+ RTMARK - providing key services to artists, activists and the intellectual community.
+ Independent media
+ Corporate Watch - Focused on corporate crime and the nature and mechanisms of corporate economic and political power.
+ Bioneers - Educational and economic development programs in the conservation of biological and cultural diversity, traditional farming practices, and environmental restoration.
+ Media Rights - Human Rights film network, maximizing the impact of social-issue documentaries and short films.
Sustainable Design and Innovation
+ Inhabitat - a weblog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.
+ Treehugger web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible.
+ Vivavi - online store with beautiful modern style
eco-friendly furniture & furnishings.
+ LED lighting Creative Lighting
+ Cradle to Cradle - Industry Transformation
+ Mio Culture- combining business rigor with environmentally and socially progressive design
+ Re-nourish - resource for the graphic design industry
+ The Mighty ODO Advocates of using creativity to try and rekindle a connection between people and nature, and helping to foster a new sustainable design model based on nature’s laws through education, exploration and example. website exploring paradigm-shifting events, ideas, and people, investigating the capacities and ethical dilemmas of design in manufacturing, transportation, urbanism, warfare, health, living, energy, markets, materials, the image and information.
+ McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry MBDC's Design Paradigm models human industry on natural processes, creating safe and healthy prosperity.
Best Blogs and Wikis
+ Celsias - [nz] a weblog devoted uncovering truths and exploring concepts and ideas relating to sustainability. A great resouce.
+ treehugger - web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible. Their goal is to make sustainability mainstream and are looking for solutions, constructive developments and positive initiatives.
+ - a weblog from leftwing journalist, author, academic and environmental and political activist in the United Kingdom who writes a weekly column for The Guardian newspaper.
+ HUGG - The best green news as decided by you and your peers. Daily.
+ appropedia is a dynamic and open library wiki, focused on increasing Sustainability through the use of appropriate technology.
+ Inhabitat - a weblog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.
Films to watch:
+ An Inconvenient Truth
+ A Decent Factory
+ The Corporation
+ Climate Chaos
+ Who killed the Electric car?
+ What the Bleep Do We Know
+ The Take
+ The Yes Men
+ China Blue
You Tube
+ Sustainable Dance Club
+ Climate Change Denial Industry
+ Rewarding Water Savers
+ Global Warming
+ What does your car say about you?
+ Fossil Fuelled Energy is a fossil of an idea
+ Macs and PCS - Brothers from another Mother
+ Petrolius - the oil habit
+ Mad World
+ Lohas
+ Natural Capital
+ Social Capital
+ Cultural Creatives
+ Gross National Happiness
+ Triple Bottom Line
+ Full cost Accounting
+ Natural Capitalism
+ Peak oil
+ Interconnectedness
+ Holism
Key People:
+ Jonathon Porritt
+ Ray Anderson
+ Paul Hawken
+ Amory Lovins
+ Hunter Lovins
+ Dr Nicholas Stern
+ Marilyn Waring [nz]
+ Al Gore
+ George Monbiot
Reading List:
+ Worldchanging - by Alex Steffen, Al Gore (Foreword), Bruce Sterling (Introduction)
+ HEAT - How to stop the planet burning by George Monbiot
+ Natural Capitalism - Creating the Next Industrial Revolution by Paul Hawken , Amory Lovins , L. Hunter Lovins
+ Ecology of Commerce - A declaration of Sustainability by Paul Hawken
+ Capitalism As If the World Matters Jonathon Porritt
+ Manifesto for a New World Order by George Monbiot
+ The Natural Step for Business : Wealth, Ecology & the Evolutionary Corporation by Brian Nattrass , Mary Altomare
+ Mid-Course Correction: Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model: by Ray Anderson
+ Profit Over People: Neoliberalism & Global Order by Noam Chomsky
+ The Answer to How is Yes by Peter Block
+ Healthy Money, Healthy Planet Developing Sustainability through New Money Systems by Deirdre Kent [nz]
+ A Simpler Way by Margaret J. Wheatley , Myron Kellner-Rogers
+ Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future (Paperback) by Margaret J. Wheatley
+ An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire (Paperback) by Arundhati Roy
+ Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate - The Essential Guide for Progressives by George Lakoff
Design and Implementation :
+ Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough , Michael Braungart+ Worldchanging - by Alex Steffen, Al Gore (Foreword), Bruce Sterling (Introduction)
+ Biomimicry : Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus
+ Massive Change Bruce Mau
+ Ecological Design by Sim Van Der Ryn , Stuart Cowan
+ Eco Design - The Source book by Alastair Fuad-Luke
Other Opinions/LINKS
- A Few Things Ill Considered
- Accuweather Climate Blog
- AMS Climate Policy Blog
- Andrew Dessler
- Atmoz
- Christian Science Monitor
- Clear The Air
- Climate Change Education
- Climate Science
- Climate Science Watch
- ClimateArk
- ClimateProgress
- Cntr. for Enviro. Journalism
- Cosmic Variance
- Deltoid
- deSmogBlog
- DotEarth
- EcoEquity
- Effets de Terre (FR)
- Forecast Earth
- George Monbiot
- globalchange
- Gristmill: GW skeptics guide
- Head in a Cloud
- Horatio Algeranon
- Integrity of Science
- James' Empty Blog
- Jeff Masters' Wunder Blog
- John Fleck
- Mark Lynas
- Nature Blog
- Nexus 6
- Only in it for the gold
- Open Mind
- Panda's Thumb
- PrimaKlima (DE)
- Prometheus
- Rabett Run
- Sci. Journalism Tracker
- SciDev.Net
- Scienceblogs
- Scitizen
- SkepticalScience
- Stephen Schneider
- Stoat
- The Heat is Online
- The Intersection
- World View of Glob.Warm.
- Yale Climate Media Forum
Science Links
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