Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Intention Experiment - scientific processes of scientists

Human energy fields

A German physicist and founder of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany, credited with the discovery of biophoton emissions – tiny currents of light emanating from living things.
Frontier scientists around the globe have discovered evidence of the existence of a quantum energy field. The field may not only explain homoeopathy, but may be the main force we have to tap in order to heal.

Fritz-Albert Popp thought he had discovered a cure for cancer. It was 1970, and Popp, a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany, had been teaching radiology - the interaction of electromagnetic (EM) radiation on biological systems. He’d been examining benzo[a]pyrene, a polycyclic hydrocarbon known to be one of the most lethal carcinogens to humans, and had illuminated it with ultraviolet (UV) light.
These ‘biophoton emissions’, as Popp called them, provided an ideal communication system for the transfer of information to many cells across the organism. But the single most important question remained: where was the light coming from?

A particularly gifted student talked him into another experiment. It is known that when ethidium bromide is applied to samples of DNA, it insinuates itself in between the base pairs of the double helix, causing DNA to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, they measure the light coming from the sample. Popp found that the greater the concentration of ethidium, the more the DNA unravelled, but also the stronger the intensity of light. Conversely, the less he used, the less light was emitted.

He also found that DNA could send out a wide range of frequencies, some of which seemed to be linked to certain functions. If DNA stored this light, it would naturally emit more light on being unzipped.

These and other studies proved to Popp that one of the most essential sources of light and biophoton emissions was DNA. DNA was like the master tuning fork of the body. It would strike a particular frequency and certain molecules would follow...

With biophoton emissions, Popp believed he had an answer to the question of morphogenesis as well as Gestaltbildung - cell coordination and communication - which could only occur in a holistic system with one central orchestrator. Popp showed in his experiments that these weak light emissions were sufficient to orchestrate the body. The emissions had to be low intensity because these communications took place on a quantum level, and higher intensities would have an effect only in the world of the large.
So far, Popp had studied only healthy individuals and found an exquisite coherence at the quantum level. But what kind of light is present in those who are ill? He tried out his machine on a series of cancer patients. In every instance, these patients had lost those natural periodic rhythms as well as their coherence. The lines of internal communication were scrambled. They had lost their connection with the world. In effect, their light was going out.
All these phenomena led Popp to think of biophoton emissions as a sort of correction by a living system of Zero Point Field fluctuations (see box, p 1). Every system likes to achieve a minimum of free energy. In a perfect world, all waves would cancel each other out by destructive interference. However, this is impossible with the Zero Point Field, where these tiny fluctuations of energy constantly disturb the system. Emitting photons is a compensatory gesture to stop this disturbance and attempt a sort of energy equilibrium. As Popp thought of it, the Zero Point Field forces a human being to be a candle. The healthiest body would have the lowest light and be closest to a zero state, the most desirable state - the closest a living thing could get to nothingness.

Popp now recognised that what he’d been experimenting with was even more than a cure for cancer or Gestaltbildung. Here was a model which provided a better explanation than the current neo-Darwinist theory for how all living things evolve on the planet. Rather than a system of fortunate but ultimately random error, if DNA uses frequencies of every variety as an information tool, this suggests instead a feedback system of perfect communication through waves that encode and transfer information.
He went on to use biophoton emissions as a tool for measuring the quality of food. The healthiest food had the lowest and most coherent intensity of light. Any disturbance in the system increased the production of photons. Health was a state of perfect subatomic communication, and ill health was a state of communication breakdown. We are ill when our waves are out of synch.

It took some 25 years for Popp to gather converts from among the scientific community. Slowly, a few select scientists around the globe began to consider that the body’s communication system might be a complex network of resonance and frequency. Eventually, they would form the International Institute of Biophysics, composed of 15 groups of scientists from international centres around the world.
Thus, it dawned on Popp that these emissions had a purpose outside of the body. Wave resonance wasn’t only being used to communicate inside the body, but between living things as well. Two healthy beings engaged in ‘photon sucking’, as he called it, by exchanging photons. Popp realised that this exchange might unlock the secret of some of the animal kingdom’s most persistent conundrums: how schools of fish or flocks of birds create perfect and instantaneous coordination. Many experiments on the homing ability of animals demonstrate that it has nothing to do with following habitual trails, scents or even the EM fields of the earth, but rather some form of silent communication that acts like an invisible rubber band, even when the animals are separated by miles of distance.

Ph.D., Director of the VERITAS Research Program,

Professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, director of its Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health and also director of the National Institutes of Medicine-funded Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science. Author of The Afterlife Experiments and The Living Energy Universe and The G.O.D. Experiments and The Energy Healing Experiments.

The Afterlife Experiments
.. After 8 years of rigorous academic research, he says he believes life after life is real and love is the frequency that allows us to communicate between the two worlds.,,

The VERITAS Research Program of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health
(formerly the Human Energy Systems Laboratory) in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona was created primarily to test the hypothesis that the consciousness (or personality or identity) of a person survives physical death.

In January of 2008, the VERITAS Research Program, as it existed prior to 2008, was closed and the research was expanded into a broader, more comprehensive, spiritual communication project named the SOPHIA Research Program. In June, 2006, funding was obtained to create the SOPHIA Research Program, directed by Dr. Gary Schwartz.
The SOPHIA Research Program investigates claims of communication processes involving various spiritual levels, from deceased individuals, through guides and angels, to purported communication with a higher power or divinity. Its focus is on healing and life-enhancement. The IRB research approval process was completed in the summer of 2007 for the first major experiment. Details regarding the Program and its protocols will be forthcoming.


British biologist who has carried out extensive work on morphic fields, or collective field memory between living things, and also on animal and human telepathy.
Ph.D. in biochemistry - carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells.
He is the current Perrott-Warrick Scholar and Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project. Rupert Sheldrake. is the
Rupert also has been discussing ways in which we can carry out intention experiments with me and IONS. I was particularly interested in our conversation, which not only includes a discussion of his latest work, but also an incredible story about what happened when arch skeptic Richard Dawkins came to film Sheldrake for a recent series on British television.

Keynote: Memory and Morphic Resonance

According to the hypothesis of formative causation, all self-organizing systems, including crystals, organisms and societies are organized by morphic fields containing an inherent memory, given by a process called morphic resonance from previous similar systems. Nature is not governed by fixed laws but by habits. By this process, all human beings draw upon a collective human memory, similar to Jung’s collective unconscious, and in turn contribute to it. Even individual memory depends on morphic resonance rather than on physical memory traces stored within the brain. This radical hypothesis has many implications for our understanding of human and animal nature.

Goal: To explore the idea that memories in people, animals and nature depend on morphic resonance, rather than on physical memory traces.
Learning objectives:
To realize that the idea of fixed laws of nature is only an assumption and may well be wrong,
To recognize that we all draw upon a collective human memory, as suggested by Carl Jung, and
To consider the possibility that memories may not be stored in the brain, and that loss of memory is not due to the loss of memory traces, but rather to the loss of the ability to tune in to memories by morphic resonance.

Workshop: Fields of the Mind: Experimental Research and Practical Intuition

Our minds seem to extend far beyond our brains. Recent experimental results show that people can influence others at a distance just by looking at them, even when all normal sensory clues are eliminated. The mind reaches out to touch the focus of its attention. Rupert suggests that this happens through mental fields. Such fields are also involved in the projection of intentions, which can be detected telepathically at a distance, as shown in experiments with dogs that know when their owners are coming home, and on people's ability to anticipate who is about to call. Telepathy seems to be normal, rather than paranormal, and is widespread in the animal kingdom.

...Intuition can be of great practical importance, and is rooted in our evolutionary history.
Goal: To explore how our minds seem to extend beyond our brain.

Learning objectives:
To explore mental fields that extend beyond our bodies, such as projection of intentions, telepathy, collective memory and morphic resonance,
How intuition can be of practical importance, and
How intuition is rooted in our evolutionary history.

Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D. is Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Senior Scientist at the Complementary Medicine Research Institute at the California Pacific Medical Center. She has published numerous articles on psi research and psychophysiology, cross cultural healing, consciousness studies, and creativity, has conducted research at Stanford University, Science Applications International Corporation, the Institute for Parapsychology, and the Mind Science Foundation, Vice President for Research and Education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Senior Scientist at the Research Institute at the California Pacific Medical Center. One of the US’s foremost researchers on consciousness and intentionality Schlitz has published over two-hundred papers and conducted research at Stanford University, the Institute for Parapsychology, and the Mind Science Foundation. She serves on Scientific Program Committee for the Consciousness Center at the University of Arizona, Tucson.

Living Deeply - The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life
This exciting new book, written by Marilyn Mandala Schlitz, PhD; Cassandra Vieten, PhD; and Tina Amorok, PsyD; draws from the Institute of Noetic Sciences' thirty years of groundbreaking research on human consciousness. The authors' premise is simple, yet radical: your behavior, attitudes, and ways of being in the world are changed in life-affirming and lasting ways only when your consciousness transforms, and you commit to living deeply into that transformation.

the word "noetic" comes from the ancient Greek nous, for which there is no exact equivalent in English. It refers to "inner knowing," a kind of intuitive consciousness—direct and immediate access to knowledge beyond what is available to our normal senses and the power of reason.

What are 'Noetic Sciences'?
Noetic sciences are explorations into the nature and potentials of consciousness using multiple ways of knowing—including intuition, feeling, reason, and the senses. Noetic sciences explore the "inner cosmos" of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the "outer cosmos" of the physical world.

The institute explores consciousness from three perspectives:

(1) First-person perspective — Supporting individuals exploring and developing their own subjective consciousness (e.g., meditation and other spiritual practices). Emphasis on inner knowing and personal transformation.

(2) Second-person perspective — Exploring and supporting transformative relationships and intersubjective consciousness (e.g., compassionate dialogue, community building, a global wisdom society). Emphasis on transformative learning and collective wisdom.

(3) Third-person perspective — Gathering data about objective physiological correlates of consciousness (e.g., research using rigorous scientific protocols, including experiments in psi, mind-body healing, and subtle energies). Emphasis on scientific understanding.

What Are Noetic Sciences?
By Willis Harman
The first stage, the rise of modern materialistic science, is one of the most important evolutionary leaps in human history. Its essence embodies a remarkable proposition, namely that knowledge of the objective sense-perceived world should not be based on religious or traditional authority, nor the guarded property of an elite priesthood, but should be empirically based and publicly verifiable, open and free to all. ... There is only science—the best framework of empirical relationships and conceptual models currently available, continuously tested in public by agreed-upon procedures.

The goal of the second stage, just begun, is creation of a similar body of knowledge, empirically based and publicly validated, about the realm of subjective experience. For the first time in history we are beginning to create a growing, progressively funded body of established experience about humanity's inner life—and particularly about the perennial wisdom of the great religious traditions and gnostic groups...

This extension of scientific exploration, which we have termed noetic, differs from the materialistic science of the past in a number of ways. It is centrally concerned with subjective experience where materialistic science has dealt almost entirely with objective, sensory experience. To the reductionistic models of materialistic science it adds holistic models; to deterministic explanations of events it adds teleological, purpose-recognizing explanations. Where materialistic science was largely value-inattentive, noetic science is centrally concerned with value issues. Materialistic science has tended to test knowledge by noting whether it leads to the ability to predict and control; while the consensus on validation of noetic sciences has not yet emerged, it seems clear that it will have more to do with understanding than prediction, and more with joining than control.

Furthermore, it seems likely that the noetic sciences will evolve in a way quite different from the evolution of materialistic science. ... In the case of the new science of subjective experience it is otherwise. In part, at least, we are dealing here with rediscovery of truths that in some sense have been discovered over and over again, and have left their track in the culture more rapidly than in the scientific community. Changes in the view of reality held in the culture tend to lead to corresponding changes in the sciences; for example, the role of psychological attitudes such as faith in healing, and the conviction of spiritual reality that comes with certain altered states of consciousness.
Whether it is implied by extrapolation from biofeedback training or psychic phenomena and the evidence for psychosomatic origins of illness, or whether arising from immediate intuitive experience, the fundamental profound insight appears to be recognition that in some important sense "I am cause and creator." In some sense much more fundamental than is implied in conventional psychology, our belief systems create our reality.
A noetic science—a science of consciousness and the world of inner experience—is the most promising contemporary framework within which to carry on that fundamental moral inquiry which stable human societies have always had to place at the center of their concerns.,,

Willis Harman was the former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He was the author of Global Mind Change and Creative Work, among other books.


Konstantin Korotkov, the Russian physicist who invented GDV equipment, which is modern-day Kirlian photography in real time. He has demonstrated – in real time - the power of positive intention on water and between couples, and also the extraordinary effects of ‘power spots’ like crop circles.

Seeing Energy -Konstantin Korotkov
Introduction/what is BEO GDV technique:

Konstantin Korotkov is Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia.
He is the author of 4 books, some in English, including Light After Life: Experiments and Ideas on After-Death Changes of Kirlian Pictures, 1998, NY, Backbone Publishing Co. Dr. Korotkov is also associate editor of the journal, Consciousness and Physical Reality, publishing articles in Russian and English.

Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV)
His technique, known as the Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV), is a breakthrough beyond Kirlian photography for direct, real-time viewing of the human aura. This new (3 year old) technology allows one to capture by a special camera the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy emanating to and from an individual, plants, liquids, powders, inanimate objects and translate this into a computerized model. This allows researcher and client to see imbalances that may be influencing an individual’s well-being greatly facilitating the diagnosis of the CAUSE of any existing imbalances showing the area of the body and the organ systems involved. One of the greatest benefits to date is the ability to do “real-time” measurements of a variety of treatments for such conditions as cancer to determine which is the most appropriate for the client. The incredible implications for the diagnosis and treatment of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions with applications in medicine, psychology, sound therapy, biophysics, genetics, forensic science, agriculture, ecology etc. have only just begun.

Workshop: Science of Measuring Energy Fields
Workshop: New Experiments in Measuring Energy of Water and Space, and New Revolutionary Sensor Technology for Analyzing Energy of Water and Different Places

..Now a new instrument came to being - Computerised Gas Discharge Visualisation technique, based on well-known Kirlian Effect. ...This is the first tool that gave us opportunity to visualise the distribution of human's fields, and make it easily, reproducibly, graphically and, the last but not the least, inexpensively. change... to the perception of their dynamic spatial field essence. ... a step to a new understanding of Reality.

The data we have obtained has led us to create a new definition for the method: Biological Emission and Optical radiation, stimulated by electromagnetic field, amplified by Gas Discharge with Visualisation through computer data processing - in short, BEO GDV. In addition, we have created the following terms to identify the images received with the help of our technology:
GDV-gram - computer pictures received by Gas Discharge Visualization processing.
BEO-gram - computer images received by Gas Discharge Visualization processing (GDV-grams) pertaining to biological objects, particularly to human.

The BEO GDV Camera and software complex allows to examine client's energy state on a variety of different levels such as:

* Individual's "psychological type".
* Energy condition of systems and organs.
* Physiological stress level.
* Quantitative monitoring of condition during treatment course.
* Quantitative monitoring of an individual in the process of specific external influence such as training, meditation, healing, etc.
* Analysis of effect of test loads and probes on dynamics of energy level of an individual.
* Effects of subtle influences such as homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils and wave therapy, including allergic reactions, on individual's energy.
* Investigation of compatibility and influence of people on one another.

BEO GDV analysis of human health, psychology and well being is based on studying information derived from BEO-grams of individual's fingers and, in some cases, toes. .. In 1995, we were able to carry this work forward to a higher level establishing the foundation for a truly scientific stage in Kirlian diagnostics with the introduction of GDV Bioelectrography. This technology is entirely based on modern scientific paradigms. Using special electrode system the approach creates high intensity electric field around an object which produces gas discharge which glow can be seen and measured. The discharge appears independently of the nature of the object, consequently with experimental experience one can cause virtually any object to glow. This could be a nail, a stone or a plant; any biological essence adds its own unique aspect to this glow, changing its brightness, size, and color. The discharge reveals the features of an object which cannot be determined by other techniques, moreover, one can track any small changes which occur. Electrical properties of the object, emission characteristics, gas evaporation, energy exchange with the environment - all these parameters of the object contribute to its glow. All attempts to assign or relate this glow to other factors such as sweating or conductivity alone, after careful analysis, have proven incorrect. For example with complex objects it is possible to determine the influence of different factors such as medicine, type of food, environment, etc. The method reveals complex reaction of an organism to different influences. To analyse human psycho-physiological condition two main analytical approaches are applied: parametric and sector ones. Parametric approach is based on the calculation of BEO-gram parameter, factor and correlation analysis (today the GDV Software calculates more than 30 parameters). Complex analysis usually allows for results of both GDV measurements and other types of measurements (psychological, physiological, and bioelectrogr.aphic). The following main groups of parameters are considered: geometrical, brightness, density, fractal, probability, and entropy parameters. Sector diagnostics is based on a diagnostic table, connecting glow characteristics of separate zones of fingers with the functional state of body zones. For the first time the idea of such connection was proposed by P.Mandel, then it was further developed and modified. The diagnostic table is based on the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, micro-acupuncture systems and empirical experience. The analysis suggests using notions on Chakras and Ayurvedic medicine. Basing on 10-fingers BEO-grams and the diagnostic table, the model of field distribution around human body is built in the GDV Programs. Independent clinic observations in different countries revealed diagnostic validity of the GDV-technique and, in particular, the model of field distribution - Aura. The method of GDV Bioelectrography is a practical application and a touchstone of the new approach. Although gas discharge images are fluctuating, dynamically changing, they are still probabilistically reproducible. They represent natural application of non-linear mathematics. However, conclusions, made using these methods, should be absolutely concrete and should carry clear information on biological object's state.

Introduction/what is BEO GDV technique/GDV TECHNIQUE CLAIMS

* Screening and monitoring of entropy level both of organism as a whole and different systems and organs;
* Objective quantitative evaluation of individual's anxiety level;
* Estimation of peculiarities of energy homeokinesis of the organism under various diseases;
* Prognosis of characteristics of disease process;
* Determination of indications, contra-indications and implementation mode of different types of therapy;
* Investigation of influence of various therapy types upon the energy homeokinesis; development of indications for combined application of different medicaments and methods of treatment;
* Study of person's individual reaction to the influence of CAM (informational, energy, physical medicine): oriental techniques, light, sound, air-ions, magnetic field, etc.;
* Development of quantitative criteria of professional selection (sportsmen, rescuers, healers, people occupied with intensive mental work, etc.);
* Quantitative evaluation of the Altered State of Consciousness (ASC) using complex Bioelectrography approach;
* Revealing of GDV patterns and parameters particular for ASC in different fields of activity: sport, theatre, healing, telepathy;
* New technology of the top athletes psycho-physical readiness evaluation based on the GDV method in comparison with battery of tests. Development of prognostic technique for the evaluation of top-athletes' competitive reliability;
* Evaluation of Psycho-Dynamic and Bio-Energetic Results of Integrated Mental Training, meditation, healing;
* Study of After Death processes.
* Testing in vitro:
- Study of structural changes of water and biological liquids;
- Investigation of bacterial and non-bacterial sensitisation of biological liquids (blood, phlegm, etc.);
- Study of threat of development of food, medicinal and professional sensitisation;
- Research of characteristics of microorganisms' GDV parameters in various mediums;
- Evaluation of energy properties of different stuff and materials.

GDV Today/ Expeditions / Russian Antarctic Expedition
On March 11th a meeting with Sergey Om, GP of the 48th Russian Antarctic Expedition was held at the office of Dr. Korotkov Co. During 9 months Sergey used a GDV Compact in his medical practice and carried out research on psychophysical state of the winterers.
The experience of using the GDV Compact in Antarctic makes it possible to draw a conclusion that in the extreme conditions of the expedition where a sufficient amount of sophisticated medical diagnostic equipment for carrying out serious tests is missing, the GDV technique ensures a unique control and testing method of the energy state of human systems and organs based on interpretation of GDV-grams.


One of America’s foremost researchers into the nature of consciousness and extended human potential. In 2000 he co-founded the Boundary Institute; since 2001 he’s been Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. At Stanford Research Institute he worked on the progenitor of what is now popularly known as the psi research program codenamed StarGate. Author of The Conscious Universe (1997, HarperCollins), Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006), and more than 200 journal articles and technical reports.

dean radin -Entangled Minds
The Conscious Universe -
psychic phenomena
Excerpt from Chapter 1

The reality of psychic phenomena is now no longer based solely upon faith, or wishful thinking, or absorbing anecdotes. It is not even based upon the results of a few scientific experiments. Instead, we know that these phenomena exist because of new ways of evaluating massive amounts of scientific evidence collected over a century by scores of researchers.

Psychic, or "psi" phenomena fall into two general categories. The first is perception of objects or events beyond the range of the ordinary senses. The second is mentally causing action at a distance. In both categories, it seems that intention, the mind’s will, can do things that – according to prevailing scientific theories – it isn’t supposed to be able to do. We wish to know what is happening to loved ones, and somehow, sometimes, that information is available even over large distances. We wish to speed the recovery of a loved one’s illness, and somehow they get better quicker, even at a distance. Mind willing, many interesting things appear to be possible.

Understanding such experiences requires an expanded view of human consciousness. Is the mind merely a mechanistic, information-processing bundle of neurons? Is it a "computer made of meat" as some cognitive scientists and neuroscientists believe? Or is it something more? The evidence suggests that while many aspects of mental functioning are undoubtedly related to brain structure and electrochemical activity, there is also something else happening, something very interesting.
A more elaborate answer is, psi has been shown to exist in thousands of experiments. There are disagreements over to how to interpret the evidence, but the fact is that virtually all scientists who have studied the evidence, including the hard-nosed skeptics, now agree that there is something interesting going on that merits serious scientific attention.

One of the most surprising discoveries of modern physics is that objects aren't as separate as they may seem. When you drill down into the core of even the most solid-looking material, separateness dissolves. These connections were predicted by quantum theory and were called "spooky action at a distance" by Albert Einstein. One of the founders of quantum theory, Erwin Schrödinger, dubbed this peculiarity entanglement, saying "I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics."

Scientists are now finding that there are ways in which the effects of microscopic entanglements "scale up" into our macroscopic world. Entangled connections between carefully prepared atomic-sized objects can persist over many miles. There are theoretical descriptions showing how tasks can be accomplished by entangled groups without the members of the group communicating with each other in any conventional way. Some scientists suggest that the remarkable degree of coherence displayed in living systems might depend in some fundamental way on quantum effects like entanglement. Others suggest that conscious awareness is caused or related in some important way to entangled particles in the brain. Some even propose that the entire universe is a single, self-entangled object.

What if these speculations are correct? What would human experience be like in such an interconnected universe? Would we occasionally have numinous feelings of connectedness with loved ones at a distance? Would such experiences evoke a feeling of awe that there's more to reality than common sense implies? Could "entangled minds" result in the experience of your hearing the telephone ring and somehow knowing - instantly - who's calling? If we did have such experiences, could they be due to real information that somehow bypassed the usual sensory channels, or are such reports mere delusions? Can psychic or "psi" experiences be studied by science, or are they beyond the reach of rational understanding?

These are the questions explored in this book. In a nutshell, we'll find that there's substantial experimental evidence indicating that some psi experiences are genuine. We'll also learn that one reason for persistent scientific skepticism about psi is due to outdated assumptions about the nature of reality. For centuries, scientists assumed that everything can be explained by mechanisms analogous to clockworks. But over the course of the 20th century, we've learned that this common sense assumption is wrong. When the fabric of reality is examined very closely, nothing resembling clockworks can be found. Instead, reality is woven from strange, "holistic" threads that aren't located precisely in space or time. Tug on a dangling loose end from this fabric of reality, and the whole cloth twitches, instantly, throughout all space and time.

Science is at the very earliest stages of understanding entanglement, and there is much yet to learn. But what we've seen so far provides a new way of thinking about psi. No longer are psi experiences regarded as rare human talents, divine gifts, or "powers" that magically transcend ordinary physical boundaries. Instead, psi becomes an unavoidable consequence of living in an interconnected, entangled physical reality. Psi is reframed from a bizarre anomaly that doesn't fit into the normal world - and hence labeled paranormal - into a natural phenomenon of physics.

The idea of the universe as an interconnected whole is not new; for millennia it's been one of the core assumptions of Eastern philosophies. ...

As we explore the concept of psi as "entangled minds," we'll consider examples of psi experiences in life and lab, we'll review the origins of psi research, we'll explore the results of thousands of controlled laboratory tests, and we'll debunk skeptical myths about psi. Then we'll explore the fabric of reality as revealed by modern physics and see why it's becoming increasingly relevant to understanding why and how psi exists. ...

Short Bio: Dean Radin, PhD, has been Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences since 2001. He is author or coauthor of over 200 technical and popular articles, a dozen book chapters, and several books including the bestselling The Conscious Universe (HarperOne, 1997) and the more recent Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006). His technical articles have appeared in journals including Foundations of Physics, Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Journal of Consciousness Studies.

Solar flare penetrate

Solar flare effect: body heart / brain – change electrotivity
Increase Heart attacks; destabilise of body strokes fits
Effect mind – magnetic fields – change esp;

Magnetic stormy days – brainwaves are destabilized- disrupts communication in brain
Psychic ability – effected by geo magnetic fields – ability to tap into field
Psychognosis -Mind over matter /intention increases
 check what sun is doing – daily

Nasa predictions – next solar cycle march 2008 peak oct 2011
Beck master intenders – flowing of human consciousness – increase in pyschi ability – and tap into the field

Rupert Sheldrake. is the British biologist who has carried out extensive work on morphic fields, or collective field memory between living things, and also on animal and human telepathy.

Rupert also has been discussing ways in which we can carry out intention experiments with me and IONS. I was particularly interested in our conversation, which not only includes a discussion of his latest work, but also an incredible story about what happened when arch skeptic Richard Dawkins came to film Sheldrake for a recent series on British television.

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